A recent multimedia project, Orthorealm, involving four instrumentalists, electronics, and four surrounding speakers, along with audio-reactive images projected onto two screens, was premiered in collaboration with Ensemble 88. These audio-reactive images were designed in a four-dimensional geometric space and synchronized with the orientation of the surrounding speakers. The image design consists of a few hundred planes, some perpendicular and others parallel to each other (or a deformed hypercube). The project's goal is to encourage the audience to envision the hyperdimensional space through the performance of this work.
To further encourage people to grasp the concept of projecting hyperdimensional images, I am creating a web version of this work on this website. Visitors will have control over the images, creating an illusion of traveling through hyperdimensional space. This web version will continue to improve in the near future, but for now, the test version is available.
"Orthorealm" Test Web Version - click, drag, and scroll to control
"Orthorealm" Web HQ Version - if your device can handle more
What do you mean hyperdimension? - Just to demonstrate how a hyperdimensional cube known as "tesseract" would look like